because wearing shoes is for people who leave the house

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Zesty Tomato Veggie Stew

I have another recipe for you! This one's a classic in our house.
It's one of Hubby's all time favorites.
It's great on cold nights and warm afternoons.
Ironically, it was fantastic with yesterday's beer bread though I hadn't planned them together at all.
It's stew!
We usually call it Beef Veggie Stew.
But we've eaten it with Italian Sausage and chicken and ground turkey and venison and... You get the idea.

Lasts really well in leftovers.
Fantastic with crackers.
Good with cheese and sour cream.
It is easily one of the most versatile soup recipes in my repitoire.

Zesty Tomato Veggie Stew
1 lb of any meat
2 (15oz) cans stewed diced Italian       Style Tomatoes
1 (16oz) can tomato sauce
3-4 cups frozen mixed veggies
3 (15oz) cans of water
1 package taco seasoning
A few shakes tobasco sauce

Cook meat in large stock pot. After cooked, add everything else. Let simmer for 30 minutes approximately, stirring occiasionally.
Serve however you like.

Happy Thursday!
(It's also International Juggler's day, National High Five Day and
Newspaper Columnists Day!)

I also want to share a picture of my almost 3 year old wearing her baby doll in a wrap (wrap meaning my favorite scarf) earlier today. She kept calling the baby doll her backpack.<3

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