because wearing shoes is for people who leave the house

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Meet the offspring

Up until now, I've avoided naming my kiddos and posting a picture of them. Part of this was for privacy's sake, the other part was to avoid fully revealing who I was until I was ready to fully and shamelessly network through my facebook.
Well, guess what?
I'm shameless!
Get ready for me to post links to all of me questionably written and lackluster adventures on facebook!
You're welcome!
I suppose I could post more about the kids and less about how I can't wait to paint some furniture.
(And seriously, I am so freaking excited! I can't decide on terquoise or orange for the new TV hutch that I don't even have yet.)
(Did I mention that I'm painting furniture?!)
So I guess I should introduce the kiddos.
One picture below is Aeris, my almost-3-year-old. Lately, she's been into picking her nose and Bubble Guppies. Her favorite color is pink today. Oh, yeah, she's all girl. She's one of the brightest kids I've ever met (no bias intended). She loves helping and she's very good at it. She still prefers sleeping with mommy.
One picture below is Brett, my just-turned-1-year-old. He loves to dance, will eat anything he can get his hands on. And yes, he's all boy. Dirt, cars, funny fart faces. But he's mommy's boy and loves mommy's attention.
If I had to guess right now, Aeris would grow up to help people( be it through nursing, law enforcement or charity work) and Brett would be working with technology (namely where he needs to fit into small spaces or climb to high heights).
One picture below is my munchkins (still in jammies) being forced to share a chair so mommy can get a picture of them together.

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