because wearing shoes is for people who leave the house

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Frame Project, Nana's skirt and Tandem Showering

If you ever get bored while having multiple children in between the ages of 1 and 4 (yeah, right) try taking a shower while both of them want to shower with you.
And then try obliging.
That's a fun adventure.
I should warn you in advance, however, that very little actual cleaning tiny wiggly humans will commence.
But that's okay because the next best thing to clean babies is warm babies bundeled in towels and fresh out of the bath.
My Girl Bee then surprised me by wanting to pick her own clothes. Alright, kid, go for it. Shockingly, she picked matching clothes.
The darling striped skirt her Great Nana knitted for her (she also knitted a matching sweater) and a tee. The socks also matched but are, somehow, too big. So of course we had to take pictures.
And of course she insisted on picking her own poses.
Boy Bee also tried get in on the picture action, but he was still post-bath and buck naked.
On a side note, I'm really glad I decided to wait on painting the table. A storm rolled through yeaterday and dumped probably a foot total of fresh powder on Small Town America.
I also found a new project. I have a few large-ish frames I plan on refurbishing (the color scheme and general concept of the enclosed art and the frame itself have become outdated, I think). I haven't yet decided how, but once I do, I'll let you know.
Happy Tuesday!
(It's also National Stress Awareness Day, National Librarian Day and National Eggs Benedict Day... Mmm.)

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