I will apologize in advance if this post doesn't come across as coherent. Girl Bee is laying on the floor at my feet and demanding that I give her a hand and help her up or she may be stuck on the floor forever. She is also nearly naked and just threatened to sumo wrestle her little brother while yelling "OH, YEAH? WHY DON'T YOU FIGHT ME? BRING IT ON! OH, YEAH?"
We've had an interesting day.
Is it bedtime yet?
Today's Photo Challenge prompt was "retrospect".
(Hold on, Girl Bee is demanding that I admire her as she is a Princess "capertillar" across the floor.)
And I have this...
when were were deciding on names for our daughter/sumo/wrestler/caterpillar princess/resident drama queen, we had found a few that we didn't quite agree on. And then we found...
Yep, Aeris. This is my topic for "retrospect".
At first, I wasn't sure... Mr. Bee suggested it thinking of Final Fantasy VII, but the first thing that came to mind was honestly Eris, the Greek Goddess of discord, chaos and strife.
Wasn't that just asking for trouble, naming a baby that?
But then I thought... why not?
It's pretty, it's not common like Sophia or Ava. Having a different name would be a blessing after growing up as one of twenty "Jessicas" in my graduating class.
So Aeris it was.
In retrospect, it's perfect. Especially for a sumo wrestling caterpillar princess.
It's pretty, it's not common like Sophia or Ava. Having a different name would be a blessing after growing up as one of twenty "Jessicas" in my graduating class.
So Aeris it was.
In retrospect, it's perfect. Especially for a sumo wrestling caterpillar princess.
And speaking of Girl Bee... she's supposed to be starting preschool soon, we're just waiting on the waiting list to clear out before we can get her registered (tiny town, very limited options). I've been trying to keep her occupied here at home, but it's difficult when you're trying to work with someone younger and who knows less simultaneously.
Today's project was to hone fine motor skills. So we mad a cheerio necklace. The yarn kept fraying, though, so I dug around until I found my big, plastic yarn needle. Thank goodness I held onto it.
She did really well and once she got the hang of aiming the needle point through the circle, she flew through it.
Naturally, a tedious task like this requires our best blue apron.
Happy Skyscraper Day!